Best Member Photos of 2024 – Viewfinder Mastery
Dec 23, 2024Best Member Images of 2024
As part of our monthly photo challenge process at Viewfinder Mastery, Jesse and Matt select one member's image as the so-called "Shot of the Month". This is the submission which they feel best embodies the spirit of the photo challenge we've been working on that month. It's not always the most technically perfect photo, but is chosen rather on creative merit, and shows a willingness to embrace the challenge and take a risk in name of discovery and improvement.
In this video we'd like to recap and recognise an awesome year of member submissions and put a spotlight on those members who really hit the target and who inspired the rest of us to push ourselves a little harder in our craft.
Congratulations to all our members who participated in 2024! 🎉 We can't wait to see where next year's member challenges take our vibrant community! Seasons greetings from the Viewfinder Mastery team! Wishing you a happy, healthy & creative New Year! 🥂 Join us to take your photography further in 2025! Save 10% on an annual membership until December 31st! 📸
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