Winter Photography – Lesson Preview
Feb 01, 2023Most photographers know that winter scenes present a few special challenges. For example, getting a perfect exposure can be tricky when you're photographing lots of snow – unless you know a few key tricks! That's why our members are exploring the topic in February. We look forward to critiquing their submissions after the end of the month.
The most common mistake photographers make in the wintertime is (ironically) related to underexposure. The result is a scene with gray (rather than white) snow. Overexposure, though a little less common – can also be the culprit. Neither are ideal!
In our latest member's lesson, Matt takes you out on a fun and scenic winter shoot, giving you tips on nailing that perfect snow exposure every time. As usual, the lesson wouldn't be complete without some advanced editing tips (yup, you guessed it), on how to adjust your wintery images for optimal brightness and contrast in Adobe Lightroom. Join us to take part while there's still time to participate!
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